Sunday, August 26, 2007


Aunt Andy and Miss M have been hanging out with us in the searing heat this week and we headed out Saturday for a visit to the farmstead. We fed the fish and the goats, played on the playground, wet our toes by the duck pond, learned a little about dairy farming, raced tractors and did a little fishing. We also wondered where the plump pigs have gone. (?)

All around a fun day and we didn't actually melt, which I feared we might, nor were we eaten by the goats, which is what I think Miss M was certain would happen. All this crazy fun was followed by lunch at our favorite balloonloon (because that's what they're called around our house) source and then a little shopping for the moms sans kids who took much needed naps after a hard day on the farm.

Thanks Aunt A. and Miss M. for a fun week! Come any time - you can both eat salmon to your hearts content around here and Uncle Bobbert will be none the wiser.

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